Monday, September 22, 2008

The Rules

Hi. My name’s Dani and I am a serial dater. Why? Because I can be. It’s not like I’m a commitment-phobe or anything, it’s just very difficult to find a man worth committing to - and it’s not like I haven’t tried.

It’s interesting how attractive, womanizing men are revered in our society; yet, if a woman does the same, she is labeled a 'slut'. I beg to differ - ‘dating’ is not the same as ‘sleeping’ with multiple men. And sometimes, if the shoe fits . . . no harm done.
I'm not gonna lie - I’m a shallow person and appearances are very important to me. However, regardless of how attractive a man may appear, most still manage to bungle up the first date.
If you are wondering why I never called you, or why I blew you off after (or even during) the first date - see below:

  1. NEVER is it okay to ask me to pay for the date. Never.
  2. Dressing bad. And, I mean very bad. A major deal breaker for me.
  3. Boasting about your threesome adventures. And asking me if I’d do a ‘three-way’.
  4. Bragging about how hot your ex-girlfriends were. This does not impress girls. In fact, it makes you out to be a loser - no matter how hot and/or wealthy you are.
  5. Not caring to find out a single thing about me. Speaks for itself. It’s pretty clear what your intentions are.
  6. Fawning over how ‘gorgeous’ you think I am. Once is nice. Twice is still good. Anything more than three times can become irritating.
  7. Following this by telling me how you find my bitchiness sexy. Not cool. Grow some balls.
  8. Asking me for a ride home.
  9. Trying to kiss me when I’m disinterested - I’m not playing hard to get, I really don’t like you. If you’re wondering why - see (rules 1-8) above.
  10. If I put out on the first date - I have no intention of ever seeing u again. Sorry. It’s not like guys don’t do the same thing.
Women, take note - most (not all) men are scum. I have learned that the majority of guys on first dates are not interested in you at all - they just want to get down your pants. It helps if you’re eye candy for them and especially helps if you appear to have money - the latter helps you attract more successful types - but, they still have the same goal as their bourgeoisie counterparts. Although, sometimes, it's okay if that’s all they’re good for . . .

Think about it.

Until next time,

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